4-Day School Week beginning in 2024 - 2025 School Year


Curriculum Statement

It is our hope to provide our students with both academic knowledge and spiritual guidance while here at OCS. We choose curriculum that will not only challenge our students and allow them to excel but to also help reinforce Christian values.  Here at OCS, our teachers use curriculum that incorporate scripture backed principles. The two main curriculum companies we use are Abeka Books and BJU Press.

Abeka Books

Dr. Arlin Horton and his wife Beka began a Christian school in 1954. Noticing a shortage of Christian based education books, Dr. Horton began creating his own curriculum for their school.  It didn’t take long for word to spread about their quality, Christian-based curriculum.  

Abeka curriculum has found the balance between offering enough information to challenge a child without overwhelming them with work.  Their curriculum is built on a Christian based foundation and has biblical principles incorporated in all subjects.  Abeka allows students with different learning capacities to excel within the same classroom. The material is made by teachers for teachers with an understanding of what works and what doesn’t.

BJU Press

Early in the 1970’s, two Christian professors named George Mulfinger and Emmet Williams agreed to write a Christian influenced, high school science book.  Christian science curriculum was not easy to find and they knew that if they wanted to use biblically sound curriculum they would have to create it themselves.  The Christian University went on to publish many Christian based text books and grew into the company we know today as BJU Press.

BJU Press believes in offering materials that challenge and engage students with the idea of quality over quantity. They ensure that their curriculum focuses on academic excellence without losing its biblical foundation.  Creators of this curriculum use key biblical events to help influence and shape their materials.  BJU focuses on Creation, The Fall and Redemption to help students to understand how biblical principles are relevant in academics.